• Since our foundation in 1990, we have been providing complex strategic one-stop shop services.

  • We rely on partners and a senior team as well as personal involvement of our founders with their own successful experience.

  • As part of our individual approach, we implement customized and often exceptional solutions.

  • Thanks to the global reach, our presence goes beyond the Czech and Slovak borders.


Case studies | Surveys | Analyses
Publications | Articles | Interviews
Blogs | Strategies | Concepts | Projects

Sme prémiovou česko-slovenskou poradenskou skupinou so silnou väzbou na Rakúsko. V rozpätí viac ako 30 rokov sme sa rozrástli na jeden z najznámejších a najčastejšie odporúčaných stredoeurópskych butikov s globálnym dosahom poskytujúcich na jednom mieste (one-stop-shop consultancy) komplexné služby strategického líderstva, manažmentu a verejných politík.

Naše poradenské tímy sú aktívne v rámci globálnych partnerstiev a networkov, vďaka čomu dokážeme držať prst na pulze najnovšieho vývoja a v kombinácii s inovatívnymi prístupmi ponúknuť osvedčené riešenia v stredoeurópskom regióne i mimo neho.

Medzi našich klientov patria medzinárodné spoločnosti, české i slovenské firmy, investori, privátne holdingy, rodinné podniky, ale aj verejný a neziskový sektor. Naše poradenské tímy sa usilujú o vytváranie obojstranne výhodných partnerstiev a budovanie dlhodobých vzťahov.

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José Ignacio Leyún – Global CEO of Amrop in Bratislava

As part of our 25th Anniversary celebration José Ignacio Leyún, Amrop Global CEO accepted invitation of Amrop Slovakia to celebrate this milestone with us in Bratislava. We are honored that this exceptional professional who is a trusted advisor to many international CEOs and Boards congratulated us personally on our anniversary that marks also 25 years of human capital consulting in Slovakia. During his two-day visit J. I. Leyún was the guest of honor of our traditional Meet the new Chiefs and was presented to the Slovak business community by the interview with Peter Bielik, a moderator TA 3. Their conversation focused on Leaders for What’s Next and what distinguishes them to lead their companies in a world with so many variables. The second day of the visit was about meetings with the media - José Ignacio Leyún was a guest at television program Téma dňa (The Topic of the Day) in TA 3 and was interviewed by an editor Juraj Porubský in monthly magazine Forbes. Before leaving J. I. Leyún attended a short tour in Old Town where he visited Christmas market, had a lunch with the team of Slovak Amrop and also had a few internal deliberations.

Téma dňa on TA3 with J. I. Leyún...
Interview for Forbes...
Interview for Career and Employment Guide...
J.I. Leyún congratulates on 25th anniversary...