• Since our foundation in 1990, we have been providing complex strategic one-stop shop services.

  • We rely on partners and a senior team as well as personal involvement of our founders with their own successful experience.

  • As part of our individual approach, we implement customized and often exceptional solutions.

  • Thanks to the global reach, our presence goes beyond the Czech and Slovak borders.


Case studies | Surveys | Analyses
Publications | Articles | Interviews
Blogs | Strategies | Concepts | Projects

Jsme prémiovou česko-slovenskou poradenskou skupinou se silnou vazbou na Rakousko. V rozmezí více než 30 let jsme se rozrostli na jeden z nejznámějších a nejčastěji doporučených středoevropských butiků s globálním dosahem poskytujících na jednom místě (one-stop-shop consultancy) komplexní služby strategického líderství, managementu a veřejných politik.

Naše poradenské týmy jsou aktivní v rámci globálních partnerství a networků, díky čemuž dokážeme držet prst na pulsu nejnovějšího vývoje a v kombinaci s inovativními přístupy nabídnout osvědčené řešení ve středoevropském regionu i mimo něj.

Mezi naše klienty patří mezinárodní společnosti, české i slovenské firmy, investoři, privátní holdingy, rodinné podniky, ale i veřejný a neziskový sektor. Naše poradenské týmy usilují o vytváření oboustranně výhodných partnerství a budování dlouhodobých vztahů.

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Coffee Time with Amrop as part of the 25th anniversary celebrations

The consulting company Amrop Slovakia continues to organize expert meeting discussions of a series Coffee Time with Amrop since December 2011, which has been bringing together invited guests as members of the boards and senior management, CEOs, HR managers and entrepreneurs to have a common discussion with the professionals from Amrop Slovakia and drink a cup of coffee alongside. The first series in 2015 took place on February 17 in Bratislava, then one day later in Košice and then on February 24 in Žilina. The Talent Dynamics was the main topic, which also corresponds with the new program in always innovated portfolio of Amrop. Among the key guests were include a hockey trainer Vladimír Vůjtek, manager and businessman Martin Kohút and also manager and communal politician Richard Rybníček. The discussion leader at these events was Andrea Vadkertii, who is also an ambassador of 25th Anniversary campaign of personnel consultancy in Slovakia and successful story of Jenewein Group and its specialized firms Amrop and Fipra on the Slovak and CEE market. The partner of the February meeting series of Coffee Time with Amrop was Panta Rhei, the network operator of Café Dias coffeehouses.

The logo of Coffee Time with Amrop...
Talent Dynamics – more information...
Photogallery BA...
Interview (videorecording) with V. Vůjtek...
Photogallery KE...
Interview (videorecording) with M. Kohút...
Photogallery ZA...