We support talented Roma children through the Divé maky Fund
The civic association Divé maky (Wild poppies) has long supported the talent and education development of exceptionally talented Roma children from communities at risk of poverty. Moreover, the association helped hundreds of children studying at high schools and universities thanks to mentoring and individual donor support. With the launch of very successful and several times awarded campaign, we entered into a partnership with Divé maky already in 2019. At the end of 2020, we accepted an invitation from Divé maky to support the Divé maky Fund created to sustain scholarship holders more effectively. Through inspiring leaders, we continue to support talented Roma children and, thanks to our help, they are getting a huge chance of success. Our support is directed primarily to the 20-year-old contrabass player Magdaléna Kokyová, whom we help cover the costs of studying at the conservatory in Košice. While fulfilling the elementary mission, we are pleased that the Divé maky Fund campaign is successful in the creative industry too. The first one is the nomination in the prestigious competition Digital PIE.
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