Advent trip to Budapest
Since there is always plenty of interesting ideas in the consulting companies Jenewein Group, Amrop, Fipra and in the EPPP Think Tank, we had an idea to organize the traditional Christmas party in a slightly different manner. In a strong belief that the common positive experience can provide energy and motivation for months we decided to have the Christmas party in Budapest during the advent period on December 9-11, 2013. Reliable train journey, excellent accommodation, delicious gastronomy, cafés reminiscent of the Austro-Hungarian nobility, relax in the wellness center, karaoke night club and an exhibition of works of Italian masters but especially pre-Christmas atmosphere on the Vörösmarty tér Square with Christmas markets-reportedly one of the ten most beautiful in the world. A short statement to sum it up: even though we thought that after our trip to Tatras previous year it wasn't possible to go any further, this year, we proved ourselves wrong and exceeded all expectations-we are already looking forward for what the 2014 will bring us...
PF 2014...
EPPP joined the Week of lifelong learning
There are various events aiming to promote and popularize the ideas of lifelong learning and bring them closer to the general public in several European countries. In Slovakia, a project of this type was carried out under the name-Week of lifelong learning for the thirteenth time. Individual conferences, lectures, seminars and other professional meetings or discussions and a variety of side events designed for professionals and general public were held across the country for one week from November 25-30, 2013. EPPP Think Tank contributed to the Week of lifelong learning by an internal workshop Family Business-theory and practice designated for Jenewein Group, Amrop and Fipra. This event was hosted by Monika Krošláková from the Faculty of Commerce, University of Economics in Bratislava and Lívia Naništová, the owner of Novplasta company.
Catalogue of activities...
Slovak-Taiwanese cooperation support
A group of Slovak politicians, entrepreneurs and representatives of other organizations attended the excursion of three Taiwanese companies operating in Slovakia on November 8, 2013 based on the invitation of the Slovak-Taiwanese Chamber of Commerce and the Representative Office of Taipei in Bratislava. They successively visited AU Optronics located in Trenčín, Delta Electronics in Dubnica nad Váhom and finally Foxconn company in Nitra. The event aimed primarily at promoting further trade, investment opportunities and networking was also attended by Mario Fondati, Partner at Amrop Slovakia.
Family Business in Slovakia
A workshop focusing on the Family Business in Slovakia was held at the University of Economics in Bratislava on November 11, 2013. This student oriented event was organized by Monika Krošláková, a specialized assistant on the Faculty of Commerce, Department of Services and Tourism. Within the extensive program with eleven speakers present at the workshop spoke also Mario Fondati, the partner of Amrop. The presentation was devoted to the succession planning which appears to be one of the key issues in the family businesses. Family Business is an area which Amrop has been dealing with and developing within the work group-Family Business in the long term perspective. Amrop recently devotes a bigger attention to the Family Business in the form of a new initiative developing in cooperation with the EPPP Think Tank.
EPPP is active in the field of research and development too
EPPP Think Tank is active in the field of research and development as of mid of October 2013 after being successfully accepted by the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sports SR in the process of certification. EPPP was granted the Certificate on Research and Development for with the validity for six years. Based on this certificate the EPPP is eligible for executing Research and Development in the field of social sciences and arts, education and other key activities of its initiatives such as analytical activities, evaluations, monitoring, know-how transfer and project management. One of the responsibilities resulting from the registration is yearly statistical reporting on science and research potential in Slovakia (number of researchers, projects, and results of research and development). Main advantage of the registration is wider space for cooperation on research and development projects, eg. for centers on excellence of national and transnational importance, possibilities to create liaisons within international cooperation with science and engineering centers. EPPP will be active also in cooperation in European programmes and projects focused on topics such as public strategies, small and medium enterprises, life long learning, counseling and advisory, family businesses etc.
Coffee time with Amrop
Amrop Slovakia continues in organizing professional discussion meetings from the series Coffee time with Amrop with a new topic. The invited guests-top managers of leading companies and experts in the field of human resources, discussed over the cup of coffee among themselves and with professionals from Slovak Amrop, too, on the topic Who decides about money, decides almost about anything with the subtitle HR BUDGETING. After Bratislava, where the event took place on October 1, 2013 next event was held on October 18, 2013 in Košice. The main guest was Jaroslav Holeček, manager with extremely successful career in the human resources management, currently President of Association of Automotive Industry of Slovak Republic. An ambition of Amrop is to create a platform for regular meeting and exchange of experience, open for experts acting in the field of human capital. This time a partner of the event in Bratislava was Coffee Chef-expert for optimal solution of coffee for offices and companies.
Invitation BA...
Invitation KE...
Project Smart City Nové Zámky
Project Smart City Nové Zámky, which focuses on digitalization of the city, entered another significant phase. Since an important part of the project is an active effort of the city to contribute to development of digital skills of children in pre-school (Smart kids I) and school (Smart kids II) facilities, possible also due to the support from the State Secretary of the Ministry of Finance, Peter Pellegrini, on October 18, 2013 the mayor Gejza Pischinger received a gift check toward tablets, for all kindergartens in Nové Zámky. The project Smart kids I is a successful implementation of the idea, whose authors are directors of several companies operating in Nové Zámky and of the city's representatives. It has been financially supported by three companies from Nové Zámky (Brantner Nové Zámky, Bytkomfort and OSRAM) and Google Slovakia, which supplied the tablets. The event was also attended by Patrik Zoltvány, Senior Partner at a consulting company Fipra, who stressed that the project is an example of successful cooperation between the city and a private sector.
Press release...
Tara Swart performed on the forum Big Ideas for CEE
Tara Swart, Senior Special Advisor in consulting company Amrop, performed at the second year of the prestigious Forum Big Ideas for CEE, that was held on October 17 and 18, 2013 in Bratislava. The event was in addition bring with it eight world respected professionals from business, management, sport and art who achieved to transform the opportunity on success and challenges on new takeoffs. Big Ideas for CEE is meeting of speakers, business elite and top managers of Central and Eastern Europe. It belongs to the events that aren't visited just because of performing speakers-as the organizers say, apart from new ideas and inspiration, making new human and business partnerships is also an important part of this forum.
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Business Brunch #3
OZ CARDO-National Volunteer Centre within the activities aimed to spreading information about the role and value of volunteering in the current social and work context, regularly organizes Business Brunch-meetings of Human Resources Managers. The third event in the row was held on October 10, 2013 and its main topic was Feedback and Development Plan as one of the basics of functioning of effective organization. A partner and host of the event was consulting company Amrop Slovakia, which has welcome the invited guests-representatives of the largest companies and employers in Slovakia, in the club rooms on the Štefanovičova Street in Bratislava. Slovak Amrop is pleased with this support and active participation not only due to the importance of volunteering by identification with the values of individual organizations but also for participation on Volunteer Days whose 5th year in Slovakia was held on September 20 and 21, 2013.
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Amrop being a partner of WU Executive Academy
The meeting of MBA Alumni that held place at the Austrian Embassy in Slovak Republic in Bratislava on October 2, 2013 was one of many events organized under the auspices of WU Executive Club associated to the Wirtschaftsuniversität (WU) Executive Academy. The invitation was accepted by ten MBA graduates-members of active Alumni club established as the official WU club. The evening program consisted of several short entries on various topics. After the opening speech of the Austrian ambassador in Slovakia Joseph-Markus Wuketich and Austrian Commercial Counsellor in Slovakia Patrick Sagmeister followed Mario Fondati, partner of Slovak Amrop, who presented an overview of current developments and prospects in the market for Executive Search. WU Executive Club brings together over 2 000 executives from more than 80 countries. It represents a dynamic platform for the exchange of knowledge and experience as well as the networking and outreach. In addition, the members provide a variety of services, career counseling being one of them. The career counseling is the connecting link to the partnership between the WU Executive Academy and Slovak Amrop that lasts for several years and seeks to continue for further cooperation.
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