Articles & Studies

BLOG: Headhunting 4.0

Mario Fondati, Partner, Amrop Slovakia

On a day of the official notification of the arrival of the fourth automobil factory to Slovakia I was driving home from work and I was listening to the radio news report. Politicians and also representatives of the Automotive Industry Association were overtaking in statements how it will benefit and certainly how there will be no problem to find skilled labour. So I told myself in the mind what I think about it. Read more in the blog of Mario Fondati, partner at Amrop.

Leadership: Personal Governance – 5


Recent months have seen at least three cases of CEOs suffering the physical effects of overload – a heart attack, an on-stage collapse, hospitalization for severe pneumonia. All were aged under 60, as was the former Chief Executive of a major insurance company, who took his own life following his resignation.

BLOG: Advertise or not advertise? – That's the question

Lucia Nacíková, Consultant, Amrop Slovakia

When we hear the phrase "search for a job through an ad," each of us probably think of the name of the most famous and largest job portal in Slovakia. Advertising in Executive Search is not one of the primary tools of search but if the confidentiality of assignment and the agreement with the client allow it the advertising becomes a tool for targeting the candidates who would be identified very difficult otherwise. Read more in the blog of Lucia Nacíková, consultant at Amrop.

Amrop India Series: What´s Next in Education?


Far from playing catch-up with India´s policy framework, India´s education sector is ahead of the game. Galvanized by private players, the rapid increase in demand for high quality education has tramsformed the education sector into a ‚sunrise' sector. And a new category of demand is driving investment.

BLOG: Superpower

Michal Lukáè, Manager, Amrop Slovakia

Bill Gates in his Annual Letter 2016 asked an interesting question: If you could have one superpower what would it be?. If you expect that a blog written by Michal Lukáè, manager at Amrop will be about the considerations of Bill Gates or something tiresome serious, do not worry it will not be neither of these. It will be about the visions.

BLOG: Involvement – the eighth wonder of the world

Katarína Mokráòová, Consultant, Amrop Slovakia

In childhood we all used to hear: nap after lunch you will not be able to do that at school. But we were curious and everything else except the senseless lying in bed had incredible magnetism. When we were at school we wanted to sprout and we did everything possible for discovering the World through our own research instead of strict forms of learning. Later we wanted to go to work because we seemed to be mature is the best thing that could happen to us and we will have absolute freedom as adults... Read blog of Katarína Mokráòová, consultant at Amrop.

What´s Next in Turkey? A New Leadership Model For a Connected Age


Amrop outlines the challenges facing Turkey´s business leaders, through the lens of key indicators and cases, and the eyes of Amrop Partner Yesim Toduk, whose two books exploring the changing face of business leadership in Turkey have received considerable attention in the country.

Strategic Leadership Assessment in a New Acquisition Process: A Case Study


Polaris Private Equity announced that it had acquired 65% of the shares in the Danish software company Configit A/S. When Polaris takes a majority stake in Configit, Amrop supports it with Strategic Leadership Assessment. Henrik Elsig Andersen, Leader of Amrop´s Global Leadership Services, talked to Finance Monthly Magazine in the United Kingdom about the Leadership Assessment objectives and process.

Nominations Committees/A User Guide


It has become the norm for Boards to plough time and resources into remuneraton and its spin-offs. The author Fredy Hasammann believes that the time has now come to deliberately engineer strategic, integrated capital think tanks in the form of cutting-edge Nominations Committees. The case is made by the FRC´s paper UK Board Succession Planning. This sets out the key topics for Non-Executive Boards if they are ever to successfully implement their strategies.

Technology & Media: Digitization on Boards Report – 2016


As the tide of disruption and digitization sweeps into every sector, the flow of digital know-how into Executive Management Teams – CDOs, CIOs and CTOs – has stepped up. This report maps the digital competencies of the Boards of the 110 largest stock-listed companies in 11 countries in Europe and the US, and the backgrounds of 1 280 Non Executive Directors (NED´s). The analysis is enriched by in-depth interviews.