Through our consulting teams active within global partnerships and networks we manage to keep a finger on the pulse of latest developments and thus offer proven experience combined with innovative expertise in and beyond the central European region.
We have many clients including international companies, Czech and Slovak companies, investors, private holdings, family businesses, as well as the public and non-profit sector. Our consulting teams are committed to creating mutually beneficial partnerships and building long-term relationships.
Articles & Studies
How are you ready for the digital wave?
The area of information technology and innovation has developed much faster and more aggressively than any other industry in recent years. Data has become a new world commodity, our image on social networks is rising to the ranking of significance, and we use artificial intelligence not only in business but also in our personal lives. For the magazine Trend, Matej Taliga, COO & Private Client Partner and Digital Practice Leader at Jenewein Group, wrote about how companies and their leaders are prepared for these changes. The article is part of the HR series, whose partner is the consulting company Amrop Jenewein.
Automatization – Threat or Opportunity for the Labor Market?
Automatization is a reality – it’s all around us and will be part of our future. Although we cannot predict what the labor market will look like in twenty years, we can closely monitor the changes that are happening today. One thing is more than certain – automatization will affect our jobs and our lives. Read more on this topic in Trend’s article by Michal Lukáč, Client Partner at Amrop Jenewein. The article is part of the HR series, whose partner is the consulting company Amrop Jenewein.
A new look at the role of CEOs and board members
Top executives and statutory directors have been expected to do the same for years: maximum profit and long-term success. But something has changed dramatically: the conditions under which these tasks are being fulfilled. And so, there is a different view of the role of CEOs and board members. Igor Šulík, Managing Leadership Partner at Amrop Jenewein, writes about a new perspective and approach specifically for the weekly magazine Trend. The article is part of the HR series, whose partner is the consulting company Amrop Jenewein.
BLOG: What to do to make them say: “Yes, chef!”
Our Senior Consultant Jiří Baran has been moving around HR and trading for almost twenty years. For several years he has led trainings for managers and businessmen, and he has always been surprised by one thing: How much difference is there between the way someone starts offering a product or service to an unknown person, or when both sides get to know each other nicely at first. Jiří calls it the LUNCH method. And what does this have to do with Zdeněk Pohlreich’s well-known cooking TV show? Read our new blog!
New Adventurous Leadership
This report is about mega trends, future rules of business and building new leadership teams that will create exponential growth in a world of endless business opportunities. Amrop Denmark and consulting futurist Nils Elmark have identified five megatrends that will be the driving forces for the future. These trends are interconnected and form part of a unified business movement.
Wise Leadership & AI: Can We Trust AI to Tame Complexity?
A runaway streetcar is moving towards five people lying on the track. You can choose to re-direct it to a side-track, killing one person who is lying on the side-track, and saving the five, or do nothing. What happens when a self-driving car, meeting an unavoidable collision, has to algorithmically choose whether to sacrifice its occupants or risk fatally harming others?
BLOG: Even more sunshine or what else we can look forward to
Not only in this year's tropical days, but much earlier, such a great news has appeared in the media. They have been such interesting that they have encouraged our Client Partner Michal Lukáč to write a blog. As he pointed out in its introduction, it took him a while to understand everything, but in principle it is simple – it’s “just” about atomic physics. If you are wondering which world-power is about to launch artificial sun, read the new blog from Amrop.
9 positions without which companies won’t be able to operate neither today nor tomorrow (5)
Companies have always been competing in who comes with a more engaging, shocking, or more spectacular ad targeting as many potential customers as possible. However, it’s 2019 and, as the world around us is changing and modernizing, the trends in marketing and the role of people working in this field at different marked positions are also changing. They often belong under the wing of Chief Marketing Officers, to whom we are devoting the fifth part of series, where we are introducing nine major positions for organizations and the characteristics of the optimum candidates that will surely shine at them.
BLOG: Do not look for a job satisfaction, but for a reason to work
Wise employers and bosses are aware of the importance of internal motivation, the use of talent and the strengths of an employee. The meaning of the work we do is also strengthened. The factors that make people decide whether or not to accept a job offer are really changing. Even in our Amrop practice, we feel that candidates are much more interested in corporate values, vision, organizational climate, meaningfulness of work, sustainability. Read about these experiences in the blog of Ladislava Molnárová, Strategic Talent Acquisition Partner at Amrop.
9 positions without which companies won’t be able to operate neither today nor tomorrow (4)
In a series, where Amrop is introducing nine major positions for organizations, we continue in May with a functional group of CEO & Board positions. While the role of senior executive management, executive professional and statutory directors in maximizing profits and building long-term successful organizations remains unchanged, the conditions in which they try to succeed are changing dramatically. Not only classical economic cycles, but also globalization, increasing uncertainty in society, reduced predictability of environment, hard-to-assess external influences, and so on, are factors that fundamentally affect their success. Read how much.