• Since our foundation in 1990, we have been providing complex strategic one-stop shop services.

  • We rely on partners and a senior team as well as personal involvement of our founders with their own successful experience.

  • As part of our individual approach, we implement customized and often exceptional solutions.

  • Thanks to the global reach, our presence goes beyond the Czech and Slovak borders.


Case studies | Surveys | Analyses
Publications | Articles | Interviews
Blogs | Strategies | Concepts | Projects

We are a premier Czech-Slovak consulting group with strong ties to Austria. Over the past 30 years, we have become one of the best-known and most frequently recommended one-stop-shop Central European boutique consultancies with global reach delivering complex Strategic Leadership, Management and Public Policy services.

Through our consulting teams active within global partnerships and networks we manage to keep a finger on the pulse of latest developments and thus offer proven experience combined with innovative expertise in and beyond the central European region.

We have many clients including international companies, Czech and Slovak companies, investors, private holdings, family businesses, as well as the public and non-profit sector. Our consulting teams are committed to creating mutually beneficial partnerships and building long-term relationships.


Articles & Studies

The Next (New) Normal – Which Leadership Model Will Win?


Italy is the world’s eighth largest economy and the third-largest national economy in the European Union by nominal GDP. It was also one of the first countries to announce a national lockdown, effectively quarantining more than 60 million people. In early 2020, Amrop Italy was invited by the Rome Chapter of Bocconi Alumni to conduct a leadership survey. What changes have companies made to their leadership models and behaviours in response to Covid-19?

Even family companies need leaders


In their consulting practice, family business consultants often get in touch with an underestimation of succession preparation. One of the mistakes is that business family leaders are trying to find new themselves just in a younger edition. Managing Leadership Partner at Amrop Jenewein Igor Šulík is talking about family companies, leaders, and also new trends in leadership management in a joint interview with the owner and CEO of Human Inside Erika Matwij for the weekly magazine Trend. The article belongs to the Family Business series, of which Amrop Jenewein is a partner.

The crisis will cogently test the quality of corporate governance


We do not yet know the depth of the current crisis, but it will affect everyone – even family companies. Finding a balance between short-term actions and a long-term perspective will be crucial for them. In the weekly magazine Trend, Matej Taliga, Partner at Amrop in Slovakia, and Michal Kukula, Managing Partner at nebotra consulting are talking about lessons, preventive actions, and the necessity for developing a crisis strategy. The interview opens a new Family Business series, whose partner is Amrop.

Joining a Storm-hit Crew – Tips for Managing the Executive's Onboarding


Surprising though it may seem at the current time, senior executives are continuing to accept job offers, and are getting to sit in their new chairs for the first time. This said, they are more likely to be occupying their old chairs at home, preparing meals and homeschooling the kids. How can we manage onboarding in these circumstances?

The Short Term Is the New Long Term


The world of disruption we are living in means CEOs need to engage in ‘live planning’, allowing their company to adapt to change rather than fading away, Federico Cúneo, Chairman of Global Amrop, tells Semana Económica.

I've built a successful family business... who will I entrust with it?

Rastislav Mackanič, Client Partner, Amrop Jenewein

The political changes from the end of the last century brought freedom but also new opportunities for many people to do a business activity and build their enterprises. We have gained most of our experience and knowledge “on the go”, but many have succeeded in building successful family businesses that are one of the important pillars of the economy. However, many first-generation family business owners and leaders have recently come to an age when they seriously reflect on various issues...  Rastislav Mackanič, Amrop Jenewein Client Partner, answers many of them in the InStore article, especially those related to talent management and family constitution.

Self Isolation – Letting the Light into the Room


Are you or your staff in isolation? As the coronavirus escalates, let’s take a look at what being grounded might be doing to your mood, and how to lighten the mental load. Here are some key points that we invite you to read and share with your colleagues, staff and wider entourage.

Remotely Possible – Top 10 Tips for Video Interviews


As the first country to be hit by Covid-19, and having experienced an intensive lockdown, China has taken the lead in finding ways to keep key activities running. This extends to Executive Search, interviewing and hiring. How can we push forward with candidate interviewing through these difficult times? Amrop China's Andrew Thomson gives his top 10, tried and tested tips.

Managing uncertainty during the COVID-19 pandemic


We are the guide in strategic decision-making and we always try to assist in the key moments of your business. Also we are considering how to deal with the current situation with COVID-19. We have compiled 10 practical steps, using our knowledge, experience, and expertise from open sources. This text is shared as our attention and we believe it will be useful. Stay healthy and be optimistic!

9 positions without which companies won’t be able to operate neither today nor tomorrow (9)

Michal Lukáč, Client Partner, Amrop Jenewein

The success of manufacturing companies increasingly depends on mastering a range of processes in different areas, requiring professionals with specific characteristics and knowledge who have a positive attitude to modern technologies, market insight, developed business thinking, and the ability to learn and progress. We are talking about Operations Officers, to which we have devoted the ninth –final part of the series, where we were step by step introducing nine major positions for organizations and the characteristics of the optimum candidates that will surely shine at them.