Articles & Studies
Does the West Know Best?
Accession of the Central and Eastern European states has provided impetus for a
fundamental re-evaluation of Europe's economic and social model. New member
states were forced to introduce radical reforms to tackle the deep-seated
problems of the welfare state and in so doing have challenged the orthodoxy
of Western European systems. 'Does the West Know Best?' assembles leading thinkers from both eastern and
western Europe to examine whether the EU-15 can learn from some of the new member
states' more radical approaches to social and economic reform, such as flat
taxation, the privatisation of social security and moves towards more
market-oriented health systems.
Economic Survey of Slovak Republic
The Slovak government deserves significant credit
for a range of reforms which have clearly enhanced
the flexibility of the labour market and improved
incentives for the unemployed to seek work. The
labour code has made working conditions more
flexible and has eased the conditions under which
workers can be laid off, thus providing a favourable
background for job creation and job reallocation.
The Slovak authorities have begun to introduce public
management reforms which have the potential to accelerate
resource reallocation and improve performance
across the entire public sector...
Addressing the challenges of an aging workforce
IBM Business Consulting Services, through the IBM Institute for Business Value, develops
fact-based strategic insights for senior business executives around critical industry-specific
and cross-industry issues. This executive brief is based on an in-depth study by the Institute's
research team. It is part of an ongoing commitment by IBM Business Consulting Services to
provide analysis and viewpoints that help companies realize business value.
E-government in Central Europe
As part of a broader effort to encourage its citizens
and businesses to go digital, the European Union is
exhorting member governments to practice what they
preach: to shift their own operations to electronic
and particularly online platforms. Having signed on
to ambitious goals of information society development
as part of the EU accession process, most of the ten
new and candidate EU members have taken up the e-government
challenge with enthusiasm.
The Largest Search Firms in the World
It's that time again; search-consult's
annual review of the
largest retained search firms in
the World. As always, we have taken
the approach of measuring scale in
terms of global reach. Simply put, we
count the number of offices.
To be more specific, we count the
number of offices that are identified
primarily from retained search firms
and exclusively from firms that are
actively involved in Human Resources.
If a search business is formally a
subsidiary of a larger group (i.e., A.T.
Kearney Executive Search is
genuinely separate to A.T. Kearney
Management Consulting) then it may
be included, but only those offices
providing search services will be
considered for the count.
El Personaje - Luis Conde
En un sector con pocos movimientos y a la esperada de que el temporal de la crisis amaine, Luis Conde, socio en Barcelona de Seeliger & Conde, ha logrado, por méritos propios, convertirse en uno de los personajes del ano del sector. "Ha conseguido estar en casi todas las operaciones importantes que sa han concertado este ano", apunta un consultor de la competenca. La capacidad de seducción convierte a este licenciado en Ciencias Económicas por la Universidad de Bardelona y con una amplia carrera internacional en el cazetalentos más importante del ano.
2004 Annual Revenue
As in previous years, we would like to share with you results of the human
capital consultancy Amrop Jenewein Group (AJG), which reflect last year's
engagement and dedication of our experienced consulting team. Achieved
success has proven that AJG provides exceptional services and expertise
enabling us to deliver the most effective Human Capital and EU affairs
solutions to clients.
Flat is beautiful
One of the more bizarre events on the Brussels calendar is the annual capitalist ball, staged by the Centre for the New Europe, a free-market think-tank with an appropriately Rumsfeld-like title. This year's event was dedicated to the memory of Ayn Rand, a libertarian novelist and one-time muse to America's Federal Reserve chairman, Alan Greenspan. Her dedication to capitalism was so complete that, at her memorial service, a six-foot high dollar sign was placed next to the open coffin. Previous balls featured a cigar-chomping American speaker in a tuxedo, pumping the air and encouraging shouts of "Viva capitalism”.
The Czech Republic and Slovakia - Gross misdemeanours
When Czechoslovakia broke up in 1993, the fate of its successor states seemed obvious. Slovakia would drift deeper into authoritarianism under its ham-fisted leader, Vladimír Mečiar. The Czech Republic would be a model of prudence. For the next few years that was just what happened. But in the late 1990s the Czechs lost the secret of good government and the Slovaks found it.
On Becoming Company Chairman: building the complementary board
Are you getting the Chairman you deserve? This report by John Roberts of the Judge Institute of Management Studies at the University of Cambridge is based on some 30 conversations conducted with chairmen, other non-executives and chief executives of FTSE companies.