• Since our foundation in 1990, we have been providing complex strategic one-stop shop services.

  • We rely on partners and a senior team as well as personal involvement of our founders with their own successful experience.

  • As part of our individual approach, we implement customized and often exceptional solutions.

  • Thanks to the global reach, our presence goes beyond the Czech and Slovak borders.


Case studies | Surveys | Analyses
Publications | Articles | Interviews
Blogs | Strategies | Concepts | Projects

We are a premier Czech-Slovak consulting group with strong ties to Austria. Over the past 30 years, we have become one of the best-known and most frequently recommended one-stop-shop Central European boutique consultancies with global reach delivering complex Strategic Leadership, Management and Public Policy services.

Through our consulting teams active within global partnerships and networks we manage to keep a finger on the pulse of latest developments and thus offer proven experience combined with innovative expertise in and beyond the central European region.

We have many clients including international companies, Czech and Slovak companies, investors, private holdings, family businesses, as well as the public and non-profit sector. Our consulting teams are committed to creating mutually beneficial partnerships and building long-term relationships.


Articles & Studies

BLOG: Gift yourself a manager of happiness under the Christmas tree

Martin Krekáč, Amrop Founding Partner & Chairman Jenewein Group

In the pre-Christmas time filled with happiness and love, there is always a good mood. This also applies in the corporate world – Christmas parties and the expectation of the most beautiful holidays exude positive emotions quite high. However, during normal days, it is not always possible to work with joy and to do not understand labor as a necessary evil. How to change the internal setting that fundamentally affects work performance and mental health? Read the blog of Martin Krekáč, the chairman of Jenewein Group.

Careers & Talent Strategy: The New Shape of Work – Why The Only Way Is No Longer Up


Any credible career should follow an uninterrupted, upward trajectory, or so the assumption goes. Many hiring organizations, executive search firms and leadership candidates still exercise this kind of ‘up or out’ thinking. Yet a growing number of successful executives are seriously questioning What’s Next.

Leadership: Personal Governance – 7 (Personal Interests and Passions)


If your Personal Governance is in good shape, your life will not begin and end at the office. You will be known as someone who cultivates strong interests – passions, even – besides your heavy professional commitments. You may also be a rarity. Outside their professional framework, too few senior executives set aside enough time for family and friends, let alone for deep personal interests or passions. It follows that just as few are consciously structuring their personal time. It’s time to bring some balance into the equation.

Cyber Security: Data Privacy – How Boards Can Safeguard Digital Assets Today For Success Tomorrow


Cyber continues to dominate headlines – and rightly so. Not only is the topic wide-ranging, but cyber attacks are mushrooming daily, unconstrained by geographic or sectoral borders. Like so many of today’s business issues, human decision-making and behavior lie at the heart of the problem. How can companies develop digital offerings without inviting the real threat of cyber risks? Beyond the numbers, how much insight do boards really have? Within board governance, what data governance structures are needed?

BLOG: When the headhunter calls you, be glad!

Ladislava Molnárová, Talent Acquisition Partner, Amrop Slovakia

On the labor market, in addition to many fewer or more important characters and figures, there are also headhunters, Executive Search consultants. They are actively examining the terrain, systematically observing it and analyzing it thoroughly. Their wishful target are successful people whose they can reliably find regardless of borders. What to do if a headhunter calls you one day? Read Ladislava Molnárová's blog.

The Art of the Real


An Interview with Tony Schwartz, who in 1985 ghost-wrote The Art of the Deal, the book that sold over a million copies and turned Trump into a household name. That experience was one of the drivers that steered Schwartz away from journalism to build an ‘energy consultancy’. He founded The Energy Project in 2003 to train executives in strategies for helping themselves and their employees perform better and avoid burnout.

BLOG: Techupdate – why yes at home and no at work?

Marek Hradílek, Manager, Amrop Slovakia

Technological development should help us to manage new tasks and projects more effectively, faster and better quality in the work environment – this is the current status quo. In most cases of the delays in implementing of hot news are not the employees who hinder modernization. Is corporate culture more of a brake for technological innovation... or a stimulus for a thought? Read Marek Hradílek’s blog.

When Talent and Business Strategies Align


When companies complain that they can’t find enough good people, the cause is most likely to be deep-rooted and centered on a misalignment between the strategic goals of the business and the efforts of the company’s talent acquisition professionals. In this article, Amrop outline the approach it took as talent acquisition leaders at Pfizer and offer some ideas that companies can implement right away.

BLOG: The guardian angel for lobbyists

Martin Krekáč, Amrop Founding Partner & Chairman Jenewein Group

Every human has his own idea about the functioning of the world. Thus, majority of people certainly have some, while the truth is that, in rough frames, many of their ideas are overlapping. However, the space palette is unusually wide and varied… Read more in the article of Martin Krekáč, chairman of Jenewein Group and how further he went with his thoughts.

BLOG: Let our thoughts be positive

Mario Fondati, Partner, Amrop Slovakia

September 13 is the World Day of Positive Thinking. Read our new blog and retune your thought patterns and gray cerebral cortex setting from the excuses why things are not going to finding a way, how to make them go well. Mario Fondati writes also about how to reveal the positives, not the disasters in people and life situations. Since now, let’s see the cup as half-full, not as half-empty.